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Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Online Training

  • eLearning Course

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Online Training

Learn how Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is conducted to uncover why problems occurred, and how design can potentially mitigate such occurrences for medical products under development. Sign up for courses on our HFE software platform, OPUS™.

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Learn how to conduct a root cause analysis

About this course

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) can be conducted to understand the underlying or original cause of an incident or problem. It is a core mechanism that HF professionals use to help uncover why issues occurred, and how design can potentially mitigate such occurrences. 

This course covers the definition of RCA, why RCA is performed, and the steps required to conduct RCA. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: (1) explain the reasons why medical device manufacturers need to conduct RCA, (2) discuss how to conduct RCA, and (3) explain how to report root cause analysis results.


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Number of courses

1 Course

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45 minutes

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Emergo by UL’s new cloud-based human factors engineering (HFE) platform, Optimal Product Usability Suite (OPUS™), leverages training, tools, templates and regulatory guidance to help you stay ahead in your HFE activities.

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